With summer wrapping up in the next few weeks, the dreadful thought of returning back to school, and sport life becomes a reality. As hectic schedules and time deadlines creep up, that all too familiar feeling of being overwhelmed sets in.
Don’t let your busyness become a badge!
We can’t change the demands of the world around us, but we can change our approach to life situations. Gain some of that control back by being proactive and prepared so you can take on the demands of being a successful working parent or an allstar employee. Whatever life journey you are on, these 6 helpful tips will help you stay on top of your game and killing it in every aspect of your life.
6 Ways To Get Organized:
1. Plan Out Your Day In Advance
This one seems like a no brainer but this can have a huge impact on your productivity during the day and can help you run the day instead of allowing the day to run you. Writing down everything you need to do for the next day the night before can also help improve sleep quality as you decrease the stress of trying to remember everything you have to do tomorrow.
2. Meal Prep
Food has now turned into something that is more about convenience then it is about eating nutritious foods. With a busy day ahead, it can be hard to make food both convenient and nutritious. This is where meal prep comes in to play. By prepping for the week ahead, you can make great tasting food while still getting all the vital nutrients you need to tackle the rest of the day. Don’t forget, you’ll also save a considerable amount of time by prepping your food in advance.
3. Keep Your Environment Clean
Whether it’s your work desk or your house, keeping your environment nice and tidy can save you time and help you stay organized in many ways. We have all experienced a day when we can’t find that certain document or that valuable set of car keys we so desperately need. The hunt for these objects sucks up valuable time and distracts us from what actually needs to get done that day. Putting things where they belong removes those stressful searches, not to mention a tidy environment is a calmer environment.
4. Build Yourself A Morning Routine
Starting out your morning on the right foot (not the left) can really help you stay organized for the rest of the day. If you don’t set up a morning routine it can be easy to get distracted and allow the day to get away from you. By setting up a simple routine every morning you can maximize productivity and help you stay organized throughout the rest of the day.
5. Get A Good Nights Sleep
Sleep has a major impact on our energy levels and mental clarity during the day. Anywhere from 7-9 hours of sleep per night is usually sufficient for most individuals and can really help you stay organized and on task for the entire day ahead.
6. Prioritize And Simplify Your Day
Prioritize the tasks that are most important to get done that day and make sure they get done first or that you block time out of your schedule to make sure those tasks get completed. It’s very easy for the little irrelevant tasks to get in the way and waste away the rest of our day. Simplifying also helps keep organization in our busy schedule. Complicated schedules usually lead to decreased organization, causing elevated stress levels and many other complications. If you don’t have the time, stop playing on your phone and watching TV, you’ll be amazed at how much relaxed time you will find.
Staying organized can sometimes feel impossible, but if you do your best and start taking baby steps to change these habits you’ll see a big difference in your productivity and energy levels.