Navigating the Spins: Exploring Common Types of Vertigo and How to Manage Them

Vertigo is a condition that affects millions of people worldwide, causing dizziness, imbalance, and even nausea. There are different types of vertigo, each with its own causes, symptoms, and treatment options. Let’s take a closer look at some of the most common types of vertigo and what you can do … [Read more...] about Navigating the Spins: Exploring Common Types of Vertigo and How to Manage Them

Breaking Free from Migraine Misery: Unleashing the Power of Alternative Therapies

Are migraines making your life a living nightmare? Fear not, my friend! There are alternative therapy treatments out there that could help you kick those migraines to the curb. Check out some of the most popular and very effective alternative therapies that may help you: chiropractic care, massage … [Read more...] about Breaking Free from Migraine Misery: Unleashing the Power of Alternative Therapies

Hydration 101: How Much Water Do You Really Need to Stay Healthy?

Water, water everywhere, but how much is enough? It’s a question that has plagued many of us since childhood. We’ve all heard advice like “drink until your pee is clear” or “you can never get enough water.” But what does science say? And how much water do we actually need to drink to stay healthy? … [Read more...] about Hydration 101: How Much Water Do You Really Need to Stay Healthy?

Sit Up Straight for a Healthier Life: The Surprising Benefits of Good Posture!

Hey there! We all know that slouching can be comfy and it feels good to just relax and sink into our chairs. But did you know that poor posture can actually have some serious negative effects on your health? So, let's dive into some of the amazing benefits of good posture that you might not know … [Read more...] about Sit Up Straight for a Healthier Life: The Surprising Benefits of Good Posture!

The Five Most Common Mistakes Made While Deadlifting

I can hear your spine screaming at you from across the gym!!!! There is always that guy at the gym…you know the one…the loudest guy in the place. Grunting like a rutting moose. Slamming weights so heavily on the ground that you think that they just might cause the floor to buckle. He’s usually the … [Read more...] about The Five Most Common Mistakes Made While Deadlifting

Do These 5 Things After a Concussion if You NEVER Want to Get Better

Do These 5 Things After a Concussion if You NEVER Want to Get Better Here’s the scene: a guys’ weekend in Banff with all the fun things that they like to do in the mountains - snowboarding, nachos, steak dinners, and a couple (or perhaps more) of adult beverages. All was going well until noon on the … [Read more...] about Do These 5 Things After a Concussion if You NEVER Want to Get Better

So you crashed your car…Now what??

So you crashed your car…Now what?? You drive so carefully, never speed through school zones, never change lanes in an intersection, never tailgate and always pay attention in parking lots… and yet here you are… a dump truck ran over your VW beetle or some new driver decided to not yield to oncoming … [Read more...] about So you crashed your car…Now what??

I Don’t Play Tennis…. How Can I have Tennis Elbow?!

I Don’t Play Tennis…. How Can I have Tennis Elbow?! Once upon a time, I had a friend I played tennis with. We used to go out a few times per year and re-learn on each occasion that we were quite terrible at the game. Even during our warm-up rallies, we consistently hit every ball over the fence. … [Read more...] about I Don’t Play Tennis…. How Can I have Tennis Elbow?!